熔模精密铸造是在古代蜡模铸造的基础上发展起来的 |
添加时间:2019/10/26 15:40:52 浏览次数: |
熔模精密铸造是在古代蜡模铸造的基础上发展起来的。作为文明古国,中国是使用这一技术较早的国家之一,远在公元前数百年,我国古代劳动人民就创造了这种失蜡铸造技术,用来铸造带有各种精细花纹和文字的钟鼎及器皿等制品,如春秋时的曾侯乙墓尊盘等。曾侯乙墓尊盘底座为多条相互缠绕的龙,它们首尾相连,上下交错,形成中间镂空的多层云纹状图案,这些图案用普通铸造工艺很难制造出来,而用失蜡法铸造工艺,可以利用石蜡没有强度、易于雕刻的特点,用普通工具就可以雕刻出与所要得到的曾侯乙墓尊盘一样的石蜡材质的工艺品,然后再附加浇注系统,涂料、脱蜡、浇注,就可以得到精美的曾侯乙墓尊盘。 Investment casting is developed on the basis of ancient wax casting. As an ancient civilized country, China is one of the countries that used this technology earlier. As far back as hundreds of years BC, the ancient working people of our country created this lost wax casting technology, which was used to cast the bell tripod and utensils with various fine patterns and characters, such as the tomb and zunpan of Zeng Hou Yi in the spring and Autumn period. The base of the zunpan of the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng is a series of intertwined dragons. They are connected end to end and interlaced up and down to form a hollow multi-layer cloud pattern in the middle. These patterns are difficult to be made by ordinary casting technology. However, the wax loss casting technology can take advantage of the fact that paraffin is not strong and easy to carve. With ordinary tools, the zunpan I of the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng can be carved with the desired one. Sample of paraffin based crafts, and then add pouring system, coating, dewaxing, pouring, you can get a beautiful tomb of Marquis Yi. |
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