不锈钢精密铸造发展前景广阔 |
添加时间:2018/1/24 17:09:34 浏览次数: |
不锈钢精密铸造又叫作熔模精密铸造。该工艺在铸造过程中尽量减少或者根本不进行切削,是一种少切削或无切削的铸造工艺,是铸造行业中一项优异的工艺技术。其应用范围非常广,不仅适用于各种类型、各种合金的铸造,而且生产出的铸件尺寸精度、表面质量比其他铸造方法要高。同时,耐高温、不易于加工的铸件,均可采用熔模精密铸造方式。这种铸造方式由于铸造过程中并不处于超高温状态,更适于铸造航空航天、国防等高精尖产业的元件。 The precision casting of stainless steel is also called precision casting. The process reduces or doesn't cut in the process of casting. It is a casting process with little cutting or no cutting. It is an excellent technology in foundry industry. Its application range is very wide, not only for all kinds of alloys, but also for casting size and surface quality. At the same time, the casting with high temperature resistance and not easy to be machined can be used for precision casting. This casting method is not in the super high temperature state and is more suitable for the casting of aerospace, national defense and other high precision industries. 最早的不锈钢精密铸造可以追溯到上世纪三四十年代,美国最早用不锈钢精密铸造法对其当时科技领先的航空发动机中的涡轮叶片进行铸造,成品受到了各方面的好评,进而使这种方法得到推广。我国对不锈钢精密铸造的研发和使用则是在新中国成立之后,随着我国国防工业的发展,辽宁、贵州、北京、陕西、湖南等地都开设了不锈钢精密铸造研究所或铸造厂。不过,客观地说,我国不锈钢精密铸造行业仍然在发展阶段,尚不能满足我国航空航天、国防工业等行业的发展需求。 Stainless steel precision casting can be traced back to the earliest in 30s and 40s, the United States is the earliest use of stainless steel precision casting method of aero engine turbine was the leading technology of casting products, praised by all sides, thus making the method to get promotion. The research and development of stainless steel precision casting in China after the founding of new China, with the development of China's national defense industry, Liaoning, Guizhou, Beijing, Shaanxi, Hunan and other places have set up stainless steel precision casting research institute or foundry. However, objectively speaking, China's stainless steel precision casting industry is still developing, and it can not meet the development needs of China's aerospace, defense industry and other industries. |
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